The relentless villain makes his figure debut in the 3rd series. The galleria t-1000 as he first appears in his police uniform pursuing john connor in the shopping mall. The figure features 5 interchangeable hands and a pistol. Also the heads, hands, and forearms can be interchanged between this figure and the pescadero (battle damaged) to create your own unique version.
This listing is for one figure of the great sabu from the classic superstars line from jakks, series 10. It is mint on card and in fair condition. Sabu comes with his headpiece and a chair for banging on peoples head.
This listing is for one figure of dwane johnson the rock in his rocky maivia days from the classic superstars line from jakks, series 10. It is mint on card and it's fresh from a case and displays beautifully. A great and highly collectible figure. It comes with his elbow, knee pads and garb.
This auction is for an action figure of the famous manager captain lou albano from the classic superstars collectorse series 12 line from jakks. This is in hand and ready to ship. It is mint on card and will come straight from a factory case. Item displays awesome. A great and highly collectible figure from the famous manager. This will be the culmination of the wrestlemania ticket promotion. With the tickets in this series plus the ones in the previous three serires (9, 10 and 11) you can redeem them for a free hulk hogan figure. Albano comes with wrestlemania ticket 18, his shirt and a chair! Bid now!
This auction is for and action figure of one half of the nasty boys , brian knobs from the classic superstars collectorse series 12 line from jakks. This is in hand and ready to ship! It is mint on card and will come straight from a factory case.This is a rare figure as it comes only one per case. Item displays awesome. A great and highly collectible figure from the famous wrestler. This will be the culmination of the wrestlemania ticket promotion. With the tickets in this series plus the ones in the previous three serires (9, 10 and 11) you can redeem them for a free figure.
This auction is for and action figure of one half of the nasty boys , jerry saggs from the classic superstars collectorse series 12 line from jakks. This is iun hand and rwady to ship! It is mint on card and will come straight from a factory case. Item displays awesome. A great and highly collectible figure from the famous wrestler. This will be the culmination of the wrestlemania ticket promotion. With the tickets in this series plus the ones in the previous three serires (9, 10 and 11) you can redeem them for a free figure.
This listing is for one ultimate warrior figure from the classic superstars collectorse series 12 line from jakks. It will come to you mint on card and will come straight from a factory case. Item displays awesome. A great and highly collectible figure from the famous champion. Warriror comes with title belt and coat.
This listing is for one figure of the immortal hulk hogan from classic superstars 8 from jakks. This is the variant with the 1985 belt and not the winged eagle world championship belt. It is mint on card. The card is in great shape with minimal shelfwear. Item displays awesome. A great and highly collectible figure from the hall of famer. Figure comes with his trademark tear away hulkamania shirt.
This listing is for a wwe classic superstars series 11 hollywood hulk hogan from jakks. It is mint on card. A great and highly collectible figure from the hall of famer. Hogan comes with championship belt and wieght lifters belt. Get yours now!
This listing is for an in hand and ready to ship action figure of the undertaker in ljn style from the classic superstars collectors series 13 line from jakks. This is a non poseable figure. This is a chaser figure and will come to you mint on card and will come straight from a factory case. Item displays awesome. A great and highly collectible figure from the famous wrestler. Get yours now!
This listing is for a bad news brown action figure from the classic superstars collectors series 13 line from jakks. It will come to you mint on card. Item displays awesome. A great and highly collectible figure from the famous wrestler. Get yours now!
This listing is for n in hand and ready to ship bret the hitman hart action figure from the classic superstars collectors series 13 line from jakks. It will come to you mint on card and will come straight from a factory case. Item displays awesome. A great and highly collectible figure from the famous wrestler. Get yours now!
This listing is for an in hand and ready to ship rare (1 per 2 cases) ernie ladd action figure from the classic superstars collectors series 13 line from jakks. It will come to you mint on card and in good condition. ) Item displays awesome. This is rare as it was short packed 1 per 2 cases and rarely even comes up for sale, don't miss your chance to own it now. A great and highly collectible figure from the famous wrestler. Get yours now!
This listing is for one ultimate warrior variant figure from the classic superstars collectorse series 12 line from jakks. As you can see form the picture he is bacwards in the case showing off the artwork on his cape that he was known for. This is in hand and ready to ship. It is mint on card and will come straight from a factory case. Item displays awesome. A great and highly collectible figure from the famous champion. Warriror comes with title belt and coat.
This auction is for 2 action figures of the nasty boys , jerry saggs and brian knobbs from the classic superstars collectors series 12 line from jakks. This is iun hand and ready to ship! It is mint on card and will come straight from a factory case. Items display awesome. A great and highly collectible figure from the famous wrestlers. This will be the culmination of the wrestlemania ticket promotion. With the tickets in this series plus the ones in the previous three serires (9, 10 and 11) you can redeem them for a free figure.