1/6 Movie Masterpiece Space Pirate Captain Harlock by Hot Toys
Space Pirate Captain Harlock was a classic manga comic series created by the legendary Leiji Matsumoto in the 1970s. The story follows Harlock, an outcast, who has turned into a Space Pirate and leads a crew aboard his starship Arcadia to rebel against Earth's oppressors. Its popularity has led to the creation of an animation series in the 1980s, and this year an epic CG film hit theaters in Japan.
Hot Toys and Sideshow Collectibles are excited to present the new Captain Harlock Sixth Scale Collectible Figure from the Space Pirate Captain Harlock CG movie. The movie-accurate collectible is meticulously crafted featuring a newly developed head sculpt, stylish costume, weapons, and Captain Harlock's avian friend - Mr. Bird.
The Captain Harlock Sixth Scale Collectible Figure special features:
Authentic and detailed fully realized likeness of Captain Harlock in Space Pirate Captain Harlock
Head sculpt with real-like hair sculpture, facial expression, eyepatch, scar, gesture and skin textures
Approximately 33 cm tall
Each piece of head sculpt is specially hand-painted
Newly developed body with over 30 points of articulations
Six (6) pieces of interchangeable gloved palms including:
One (1) pair of relaxed palms
One (1) pair of posing palms
One (1) right palm for holding gun
One (1) right palm for holding rapier
One (1) black leather-like suit with skull print in front
One (1) pair of gold color arm armor
One (1) gold color armor vest
One (1) removable black and red cloak with skull pin
Two (2) brown belts
Two (2) gun holsters
One (1) pair of brown long boots
One (1) rapier
One (1) pistol
One (1) 1/6th scale Mr. Bird with transparent stand
Figure stand with Captain Harlock nameplate and the movie logo