B777-200 Air France 1/100 Scale Model KB777AFTR by Toys & Models
"The 777-200 brings the comfort and economic advantages of the Boeing 777 to non-stop routes that have never before been possible. The first 777-200LR was unveiled in February 15, 2005. Its maiden flight was on March 8, 2005 and has began a six-month flight-test program. The 777-200 gained certification from the FAA on April 19, 1995. On November 20, 1996, in Seattle, Boeing announced and confirmed for 10 orders of Boeing 777 jetliners. The Air France Airline will add 13 Boeing 777-300ERs passenger aircraft and five Boeing 777 Freighters. The five freighters are in addition to five 777-200 cargo aircraft to be delivered this year, replacing the 747-200 freighters. The first Boeing 777 will be delivered to Air France. Air France chose the 777-200 Increased Gross Weight (IGW) model designed for longer routes than the initial 777-200. The new longer-range 777-200 was launched in February "
Scale: 1/100 scale model
Wing Span: 24
Length: 26