Big Bang Theory Leonard & Sheldon Q-Pop Figures Quantom Mechanix

Big Bang Theory Leonard & Sheldon Q-Pop Figures Quantom Mechanix

From the hit TV series The Big Bang Theory, Leonard is the hapless straight man in a circle of top-flight Caltech scientists. He endured a tough childhood with a mother as critical, apathetic and socially inept as his current roommate, Sheldon Cooper. He's hopelessly in love with his pretty next-door neighbor, Penny. He's as insecure as Sheldon is egotistical -- and that speaks volumes.

We've captured the lovable awkwardness that is Leonard in our Q-Pop™ figure, which stands about 4.25 inches tall and is made of PVC. Mohammad "Hawk" Haque has designed our favorite geek boy with his signature black-rimmed glasses, Converse sneakers, physics-themed T-shirt and messenger bag.

Sheldon Cooper tried it on his roommate, Leonard Hofstadter. Now he wants to try using his powers to make your head explode, too!

From the hit TV series The Big Bang Theory, Sheldon's our favorite theoretical physicist: a textbook narcissist with almost no social skills, an obsession with rules and an occasional flash of humanity that makes him utterly endearing.

In Episode 9 of Season 1, "The Cooper-Hofstadter Polarization," Sheldon puts his fingers to his temples in an attempt to blow up Leonard's head during a fight at a scientific conference.

It's a classic Sheldon pose that designer Mohammad "Hawk" Haque has captured in our Q-Pop™ figure, which stands about 5 inches tall and is made of PVC. As with all our Q-Pop figures, Sheldon comes with a word bubble and special marker, so that you can add quotes.

Our Leonard Q-Pop includes a word bubble and special marker, so that you can add your own quotes.

Available: March
SKU: Big Bang Theory Leonard & Sheldon Q-Pop Figures Quantom Mechanix-71698
Big Bang Theory Leonard & Sheldon Q-Pop Figures Quantom Mechanix
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