Doctor Who Electronic Q.L.A. Anti-Time Device by Underground Toys

Doctor Who Electronic Q.L.A. Anti-Time Device by Underground Toys

After the Doctor disappeared, the Cybermen and Daleks went to war across the universe. And on each world they destroyed they left in their wake, Stone Angels, picking over the dead and dying. But the Cleric army fought back and scoured the dead worlds left after the wars, looking for the wreckage of Daleks, Cybermen, and broken Angels to create a hugely powerful 'anti-time' device. A device part Dalek, part Cyber technology and used the Quantum signature from the Angel to trigger a Gateway to pull enemies into the time Vortex.... Erasing them from Time completely. This Dalek & Cyberman Hybrid Technology Unit includes four play modes: Dalek, Cyberman, Angel & multi technology. Includes speech, sounds and light FX. Send your enemies into the Time Vortex! Requires 2 x AAA batteries. Not included.

Available: March
SKU: Doctor Who Electronic Q.L.A. Anti-Time Device by Underground Toys-64288
Doctor Who Electronic Q.L.A. Anti-Time Device by Underground Toys
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