Metal Gear Solid V The Phantom Pain Play Arts Kai D-Dog
From Square Enix. Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, the newest title in the Metal Gear franchise, introduces an open world system, increasing both the strategic characteristics and the degree of freedom within the game more than ever. Another key feature of the gameplay is the buddy system, used in infiltration missions. D-Dog is Snake's buddy. The powerful and supple modeling, along with meticulous coloring of its body to give the expression of fur, produces a valiant atmosphere. D-Dog possesses a wide range of poseability, from a low posture signaling imminent attack like that of a wolf preparing to pounce on its target, to lovable canine poses like "sit" and "shake." Accessories include interchangeable head parts showing D-Dog wearing an eye patch or goggles, weapons that can be carried and held in its mouth, and matching colors with Venom Snake (Sneaking Suit Version) Play Arts ~KAI~, making it a piece perfectly suited to stand at Snake's side.