Sin City Environment Magnet Set by Dark Horse

Sin City Environment Magnet Set by Dark Horse


Recapture the flavor of Sin City with ashtrays from Kadie's Club Pecos! Featuring the drinks of choice from those crazy times at Kadie's-Black Death Icelandic Schnapps and Cerveza Chango. Our third ashtray features another familiar brand for those in the know-Red Apple Cigarettes! If memories of these depraved drinks leave you "thirsting" for more, our new magnet set allows you to recreate your favorite scenes from the hit movie. Featuring eleven magnets including Marv, Nancy, and the Yellow Bastard, the set also comes with a magnetic background of both the inside and outside of Kadie's bar-all the elements you need for creating new Sin City scenes of your own. Bring a piece of Club Pecos home!

Available: March
SKU: Sin City Environment Magnet Set by Dark Horse-69038
Sin City Environment Magnet Set by Dark Horse
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