South Park: 'Beefcake' Cartman Action Figure Limited to 3,000 Mezco JC
Eric Cartman, known as Cartman on TV's animated show, South Park, is usually seen wearing a light blue and yellow cap, a red jacket, and brown pants; when he is not in his SP uniform, you'd better be prepared for all sorts of psychological complexities to be spilling over the edges of this cereal bowl. In the very first season of South Park, in episode 102, Cartman at the advice of the Mayor, decides to beef-up for the arrival of Kathie Lee and begins consuming a bodybuilding supplement. At the tragic end of the show, morbidly obese, Cartman appears on Geraldo where he states, "Follow your dreams. You can reach your goals, I'm living proof...Beefcake, BEEFCAKE!!!" Leave it to Mezco Toyz to carefully capture another simply twisted moment in the life and times of little Eric Cartman. As a welcome addition to the on-going series of South Park figures by Mezco Toyz, Beefcake Cartman will be available exclusively through Wizard Entertainment this fall. Cartman wears a BEEFCAKE muscle shirt and comes complete with a can of Weight Gain 4000.
Figure is new and mint but package may show minor wear from storage, stock picture is being used