Star Wars Captain Phasma ArtFX+ Statue By Kotobukiya

Star Wars Captain Phasma ArtFX+ Statue By Kotobukiya

First Order Stormtrooper Captain and villain from Star Wars: Th

e Force Awakens and Star

Wars: The Last Jedi, Captain Phasma is joining Kotobukiya’s ART

FX line!

After surviving the destruction of the Starkiller Base in The F

orce Awakens, the First Order

Captain has a score to settle with the Resistance. Phasma’s sig

nature Chromium armor is

recreated using metal plating. Phasma is posed with her spear a

t the ready, evoking her

confrontation with Finn from the film. The figure is entirely p

re‐painted and easy to assemble,

allowing you to display it right out of the box!

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SKU: Star Wars Captain Phasma ArtFX+ Statue By Kotobukiya-104338
Star Wars Captain Phasma ArtFX+ Statue By Kotobukiya
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