1/6 ST The Next Generation Captain Jean-Luc Picard Quantum Mechanix
● Fully Articulated Body: More than 30 points of articulation allow the figure to be displayed in multiple dynamic poses, approximately 29 cm tall.
● Realistic Portrait: Lovingly rendered by a top artist, this is a perfect likeness of Patrick Stewart as the good captain. Each head sculpt is specially hand-painted.
● Starfleet Duty Uniform Tunic: Meticulously researched, this duty uniform tunic matches the pattern, fabric and color of the original costume. An authentically scaled TNG communicator badge is permanently affixed to the tunic.
● Starfleet Duty Uniform Pants: This faithful replica of the pants worn by the Enterprise crew in Star Trek™: TNG feature accurate styling to the original costumes. A magnetic fastener allows the phaser and tricorder holsters to attach to the pants.
● Boots: Leather-like material cut in the original style of the footwear worn in Star Trek™: TNG.
● Star Trek TNG Display Base: A custom display base featuring the TNG delta design will hold up the figure and allow more extreme poses.
Captain Picard is outfitted with everything needed for a Star Fleet officer. He comes equipped with:Type II “cobrahead” hand phaser – designed to be less “gun-like” than previous phasers, this is the defensive weapon for Star Fleet away missions. The phaser can be worn in a black holster that magnetically attaches to Picard’s pants.
● Tricorder: This standard tricorder can be opened or worn in a holster on the pants.
● PADD (Personal Access Display Device): the data display device used on board the Enterprise E.
● Tea cup: A clear tea cup with Captain Picard’s Earl Grey tea.
● This fine collectible figure is a perfect rendition of a very popular Starfleet captain and a great start to your Star Trek™ 1:6-scale figure collection.