Marvel Defenders Series Jessica Jones Artfx+ Kotobukiya
Kotobukiya's Marvel Comics ARTFX+ statues have brought you Aven
gers, X‐Men, and most
recently Spider‐Man and characters from his world, but now we t
urn our attention to the
street‐level heroes of the Defenders.
Kotobukiya's Defenders ARTFX+ series is a collaborative effort
between renowned Marvel
Comics artist Dale Keown and Junnosuke Abe (Restore), the sculp
tor behind many of
Kotobukiya's Marvel statues. The third entry in the series is a
mysterious private investigator
who roams the back streets of Manhattan, Jessica Jones!
Beloved by longtime fans and new followers of Marvel alike, the
current iteration of Jessica
Jones was born in the Alias comic series, which covers the form
er superhero's work as a
private investigator and became the basis for the popular Jessi
ca Jones Netflix series.
Jessica's posing depicts her bold and decisive fighting style,
and the magnets implanted in her
feet help her stand solidly on the included metal base. The st
atue's 1/10th scale makes it
perfect for displaying alongside Kotobukiya's other ARTFX+ stat
ues. With only one more hero
to go, you can look forward to completing your Defenders ARTFX+
collection very soon!