Masters of the Universe Sorceress 15 Inch Statue by Neca
The Sorceress has been redesigned, but ostensibly her background pretty much remains the same. She sacrificed a part of her freedom in order to align herself with Castle Greyskull, which she now serves as caretaker and guardian. She can leave the castle in her falcon form, and can communicate telepathically with Greyskull’s current champion, He-Man. In the 2002 cartoon, this tradition is repetitious of the former sorceress Veena and her champion King Greyskull, who originally defended Eternia against Hordak and the gang. As current Sorceress, Teela’Na inherited the power of Greyskull in a time of need. She has a daughter, Teela, though Teela has no clue as to her mother’s identity.
In the original cartoon, the Sorceress was just a hot babe in a feather swimsuit, with the headdress and the feather-winged cape joined with her sleeves. Especially in her origin episode, where you see a young red-headed Teela’Na, the resemblance between the Sorceress and Teela is pretty strong. In the 2002 cartoon, they gave the Sorceress more of a nutmeg complexion, and slightly darker red hair as revealed in a flashback episode.
They altered her overall look heavily, going towards an Egyptian theme, even giving her the ornamental eye make-up. She’s got a more stylized headdress with a pyramid-style neck cape. They gave her a sculpted breastplate, which overlaps a white bodice with pleated skirt and prominent breechcloth. She’s wearing armbands and wrist bracelets, and has fur-trimmed knee-high boots in the same style as the 2002 Teela and Evil Lyn. Doing away the original feather-cape idea, they just went ahead and gave the new Sorceress a pair of wings. Additionally, carries a staff topped by a sculpted bird ornament, which looks a little like the staff that came with the original Sorceress action figure.
Connected to a foundation pillar to give the illusion of levitation, this cartoon-accurate statue demonstrates the new Sorceress in all her tawny sleek beauty, a new vision of the same hot babe, defending Eternia and giving of all the male villains major incentive to infiltrate Castle Greyskull.