Muv-Luv Alt Te Inia Sestina Ani-Statue Kourai Version by Kotobukiya
A KOTOBUKIYA Japanese import! Kotobukiya proudly presents an all-new Ani*Statue from the popular Muv-Luv Alternative side story Total Eclipse, INIA SESTINA -KOURAI-! A Russian test pilot and close friend to some of the other girls, Inia is a vision of beauty away from the conflict. Sitting with her legs bent in front of her, the ethereal esper is captured in a very sexy pose with her arms touching the ground in front of her, pushing her breasts together. Inia wears an adorable white ensemble with a skimpy one piece and thigh-length stockings. Her clothes show off all of her curves and feature incredibly detailed sculpting with creases and folds. Inia's pale skin and white outfit are delicately set off by her flowing lavender hair and purple eyes and headband. Sculpted by Ryo Hashimoto, Inia is almost 4 ½ inches tall (1/7 scale) in her seated pose and will look great displayed with her fellow Muv-Luv characters like the previously released Yui Takamura and upcoming Cryska Barchenowa.