Star Wars C-3PO Business Card Holder Business Goods by Kotobukiya
C-3PO, sometimes spelled See-Threepio and often ref
erred to as
Threepio, was a bipedal, humanoid protocol droid de
signed to
interact with organics, programmed primarily for et
iquette and
protocol. He was fluent in over six million forms o
f communication,
and developed a fussy and worry-prone personality t
hroughout his
many decades of operation. After being destroyed an
d discarded on
the planet Tatooine before 32 BBY, C-3PO was rebuil
t; his salvaged
nature gave him special qualities that distinguishe
d him from similar
droid models. Along with his counterpart, the astro
mech droid R2-
D2, C-3PO constantly found himself directly involve
d in pivotal
moments of galactic history, and aided in saving th
e galaxy on many
occasions. C-3PO considered various droids and orga
nics to be
friends of his, and was very dedicated to them, as
well as to any
master that he served