1/6 Twin Peaks The Red Room Diorama Infinite Statue 912550

1/6 Twin Peaks The Red Room Diorama Infinite Statue 912550

Twin Peaks is the extraordinary cult TV series, created by David Lynch and Mark Frost in 1990-1991, and the FBI special agent, Dale Bartholomew Cooper is certainly one of the most popular and followed detectives of television dramas.

A story of mystery and ambiguity, made up of bizarre characters and surreal scenes that involves an entire American town. Agent Dale Cooper becomes the protagonist along with the inhabitants of Twin Peaks, in a series of dark events that seem to be ruled by mysterious forces.

Who killed Laura Palmer? From one of the most evocative scenes of David Lynch's series, that of the Red Room, the Infinite Statue team takes inspiration to recreate a spectacular hyper-realistic scene with a diorama beyond the imaginary. Agent Cooper, Laura Palmer, and the Venus de Milo are suspended in time and space, in this diorama with a "zigzag" door, in perfect harmony with the expressions, colors and details of the "Lynchian" universe.

Don't miss your chance to add this Red Room Diorama to your Twin Peaks collection today!

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SKU: 1/6 Twin Peaks The Red Room Diorama Infinite Statue 912550-132034
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1/6 Twin Peaks The Red Room Diorama Infinite Statue 912550
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