Duke Nukem Duke Nukem Forever Polystone Statue Sideshow Collectibles
Sideshow Collectibles is proud to introduce the Duke Nukem Statue, presenting the brash self-proclaimed hero in all his unapologetic glory. At 16-inches tall, Duke strides over the carcass of a slaughtered Alien, armed with his signature gold pistol and high tech shrink-ray gun. Depicted in approximately 1:5 scale, the Duke Nukem Statue makes a one of a kind addition to any gamer's collection.
Duke Nukem isn't a man's man. Hell, no. A man's man would be left bleeding and whimpering in the street, choking on inadequacy after only a verbal encounter with Duke.
Duke has been saving the world for 20 years, and he's got the procession of grateful babes to prove it. In battle, countless alien scum have fallen to the thundering fire spat from the barrels of his golden Colts.
Duke's notion of the perfect couple is his boot and an alien's ass. That's right. Duke shows up to kick ass and chew gum...and he never, ever brings any gum.
When it comes to love, Duke is fond of a good cigar...and a bad woman. You never, ever want to get between him and a planet full of babes. He goes where he pleases, and pleases where he goes. Yeah. He knows what women want. And he's got about as much time to be politically correct as he's got time to bleed.
He's six-feet-four-inches of babe-bustin' manhood crowned with a platinum blonde flat-top that you'd do well not to touch. He'll wade through waves of the enemy, powered by raw machismo and protected by the power of his own massive ego.