Godzilla Kingdom of Monsters #5 by IDW

Godzilla Kingdom of Monsters #5 by IDW

Eric Powell & Tracy Marsh (w) o Victor Dos Santos (a) o Eric Powell, Jeff Zornow (c)

After last issue's momentous tussle of giants, it's now painfully clear that Armageddon has descended on the human race. The government's bungled attempts the thwart the giant monsters have left an infrastructure in ruin and a nomad society desperately struggling to survive. And also... GIANT MONSTER FIGHTS! Destruction abounds in this issue of Godzilla: Kingdom of Monsters, featuring new artist Victor Dos Santos!

Available: March
SKU: Godzilla Kingdom of Monsters #5 by IDW-55681
Godzilla Kingdom of Monsters #5 by IDW
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