Marvel Iron Man 15" Statue by Hard Hero JC
The Iron Man 15" Statue is limited to 1000 pieces. Iron Man hovers atop his ignited rocket boots, linked to a craggy rock base design. The armor is much sleeker than previous bulkier designs, reconfigured and refined with a sculpted musculature. Iron Man is poised dynamically with one arm outstetrched, Repulsor Ray aimed at an unseen adversary. The Crimson Dynamo? MODOK? The Mandarin? Just pick a supervillain and stand back to envision the battle.
Tony Stark began as wounded prisoner, confounding his slimy Communist captors by managing to build an injury-sustaining breastplate---and then ultimately the suit of armor that would facilitate his daring escape. Eventually he would fully mechanize the armor and develop the alter ego of Iron Man. The breastplate served as his pacemaker, configured to be worn beneath ordinary clothing. Later the armor would crystallize into a more conforming suit, a sleeker and more efficient model---equipped with features like the Repulsor Rays. Despite an entire stable of bizarre homegrown villains, Iron Man would become one of the foundation blocks of the Avengers.