Sword Of Strider Lord Of The Rings United Cutlery 47"
Sword of strider prop replicawith over 100 million copies sold in over 40 languages, millions have grown up with the lord of the rings, the classic epic tale considered by millions to be the greatest fantasy-adventure story ever told. J.R.R. Tolkiens phenomenal epic trilogy chronicles the struggle between good and evil for possession of a magical ring. The book trilogy, named the most popular book of the 20th century, has been presented in a series of feature films from new line cinema. Solid metal cross guard and pommel, antique metal finish. Genuine leather-wrapped grip. 420 stainless steel blade, false-edged. Wood display plaque and certificate of authenticity. 47 1/4"overall. 36"blade.This would be a great addition to your collection today. (See picture) ask any questions and i will be happy to respond.
This is not a toy. This is an adult collectible intended for display purposes. Must be 18 to purchase.